Weather Punta Charles (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos Punta Charles
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Falkland Islands ( Islas Malvinas ) [ United Kingdom ] (Overseas Territory):
GPS points near Punta Charles
Punta Arrow (1 km)
Arrow Point (1 km)
Port William (1 km)
Rabbit Cove (1 km)
Rocas Kelly (1 km)
Kelly Rocks (1 km)
Hells Kitchen (1 km)
Canopus Hill (2 km)
Punta Yorke (2 km)
Yorke Point (2 km)
Beatrice Cove (2 km)
Punta Sparrow (2 km)
Sparrow Point (2 km)
Roca Fripp (2 km)
Fripp Rock (2 km)
Baye Choisel (2 km)
Port Firm (2 km)
GPS points from Falkland Islands ( Islas Malvinas ) [ United Kingdom ] (Overseas Territory)
Cabo San Felipe Falkland Islands (general)
Magellan Point Falkland Islands (general)
Hope Cottage Falkland Islands (general)
Mount Emery Falkland Islands (general)
Seno Choiseul Falkland Islands (general)
Isla Celebrona Falkland Islands (general)
Hut Point Falkland Islands (general)
Isla Wreck Falkland Islands (general) |