Weather Darom (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos Darom
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Israel (Jerusalem):
GPS points near Darom
Zomet HaRuhot (2 km)
Mishor HaRuhot (3 km)
Mishor Hava (3 km)
Sahl el Hawa (3 km)
Sehel el Hewa (3 km)
Giv`at Ga`ash (4 km)
Giv`ot Reved (4 km)
Har Arikha (5 km)
Jebel el Tawila (5 km)
Har Sa`ad (5 km)
Jebel Umm Sa`id (5 km)
Ma'ale Ha'atsmaut (5 km)
Ma`ale Ha`Azma'ut (5 km)
Har Gerafon (6 km)
Ras Umm Jurfan (6 km)
Makhtesh Ramon (6 km)
Nahal Arikha (6 km)
GPS points from Israel (Jerusalem)
`omer Northern District
Makhtesh Hatsera Southern District
`arab Al Maurid Northern District
`en Rewaya Northern District
Nahal Yafruq Southern District
`en Harod Me'uhad Northern District
Alona Haifa District
Zarnuqah Central District |