The Burden of Maui
Weather The Burden of Maui (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos The Burden of Maui
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Tonga (Nuku'alofa):
GPS points near The Burden of Maui
Kolonga (1 km)
East Point (2 km)
Mui Hopohoponga (2 km)
Mata Fota (2 km)
Muihobohoboga (2 km)
Muihobohobonga (2 km)
Mui Hopohopongo (2 km)
Lazaretto (3 km)
Motutapa Island (3 km)
Motutapu (3 km)
Motu Tabu (3 km)
Motu Tapu (3 km)
Astrolabe Channel (3 km)
Biha Passage (3 km)
Eastern Passage (3 km)
Piha Passage (3 km)
Fukaive (4 km)
GPS points from Tonga (Nuku'alofa)
Tufu Tongatapu
Tongatabu Group Tongatapu
Mangia Vava U
Tano`a Island Ha Apai
Foto Goa Vava U
Navea Ha Apai
Good Hope Island Vava U
Fetokopunga Ha Apai |