Weather Alofitai (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos Alofitai
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Wallis And Futuna [ France ] (Overseas Territory):
GPS points near Alofitai
Alofa (1 km)
Ile Alofi (1 km)
Mont Bougainville (1 km)
Sommet Bougainville (1 km)
Mont Kolofau (1 km)
Mouillage de Mua (1 km)
Mua Anchorage (1 km)
Chenal Sain (1 km)
Pointe de Sable (3 km)
Green Point (4 km)
Pointe Verte (4 km)
Circonscription d' Alo (4 km)
Vele (4 km)
Pointe Vele (4 km)
Iles Futuna (5 km)
Futuna Archipelago (5 km)
Iles de Hoorn (5 km)
GPS points from Wallis And Futuna [ France ] (Overseas Territory)
Mont Lula Wallis And Futuna (general)
Mont Lulu Fakahega Wallis And Futuna (general)
Liku Wallis And Futuna (general)
Tauai Wallis And Futuna (general)
Mont Singavi Wallis And Futuna (general)
Lac Kikila Wallis And Futuna (general)
Les Deux Lions Wallis And Futuna (general)
Baie De L' Allier Wallis And Futuna (general) |