Weather Anse de Sigavé (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos Anse de Sigave
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Wallis And Futuna [ France ] (Overseas Territory):
GPS points near Anse de Sigavé
Leava (0.5km)
Les Deux Lions (0.5km)
Les Lions (0.5km)
Rochers Lion (0.5km)
The Lions (0.5km)
Sigave (0.5km)
Anse de Sigave (0.5km)
Sigave Bay (0.5km)
Singave (0.5km)
Singave Bay (0.5km)
The Two Lions (0.5km)
Morne du Pavillon (1 km)
Southwest Rock (2 km)
Rocher du Sud-Ouest (2 km)
Ile Futuna (2 km)
Mount Puke (4 km)
Mount Schouten (4 km)
GPS points from Wallis And Futuna [ France ] (Overseas Territory)
Pointe Vele Wallis And Futuna (general)
Mua Wallis And Futuna (general)
Rochers Somaruma Wallis And Futuna (general)
Passe Avatolu Wallis And Futuna (general)
Little Peak Wallis And Futuna (general)
Ile Nukuaeta Wallis And Futuna (general)
Lac Lanutuli Wallis And Futuna (general)
Wallis Islands Wallis And Futuna (general) |