Weather Ras Gibalei (Cloud cover, Temperature, Wind speed and Precipitation mm probab.)
Map and Photos Ras Gibalei
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Somalia (Mogadishu):
GPS points near Ras Gibalei
Gibalei (1 km)
Jibalei (1 km)
Garan Koof (1 km)
Garan Weyn (1 km)
Qooriloho (1 km)
Garan Waq (3 km)
Uadi Afruglei (7 km)
Af Ruugleey (7 km)
Af Ruugleey (7 km)
Uadi Barmadobeio (7 km)
Uadi Barmedobio (7 km)
Dab Dheere (9 km)
GPS points from Somalia (Mogadishu)
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